NEST BED !! 2 !!

 Allons-y! ♥ Lets Go!

To start this week, lets start with some mistakes I made...

Forgot to flatten my list before my sweep, got a fun pinecone

I programmed my headboard, BUT I did it the long way round, so most of this had to be cut in favor of an easier solution...

Detail of what got cut.

Now lets get into the real progress.

Fully Adjustable Headboard and Cabinet Base! Complete with toggle-able Features, randomization, and fully parametric adjustments.

Toggle-able Cabinet doors! for my Cabinets!

Now the whole algorithm so far...

And some example shots...

Now for my INSANE Control panel

As you can see, ALL of this is adjustable. Its honestly alot, way too much for me to animate all at once, maybe I'll figure out late stage, but for now all that matters is that it doesn't break.

The Next Step is Random Shelving, a desk option, and a Curtain rod, Then I'm going to export a few iterations to blender for the Mattress, Cushion, Pillows, Blankets, Curtains, and possibly artifacts to put on shelves. Also Lighting. The lighting's gotta be sick.

As of posting, that part is incomplete, but I may do more updates before tommorow!

More Updates have come!

Added Curtain Frame Variation and Randomized Shelving

Curtain Rod Code

Shelving Code

Control Panels, For customizability


Bonne Journée! ♥ Have a good day!


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