Je suis douillet ♥ I am cozy

Hello! It's Finally Here! 

This Project, as you probably know, was inspired by the circular bed from She-Ra (gif included). My intention was to create a highly customizable algorithm that could provide a variety of designs. Thus my code has tons of toggleable features such as doors, drawers, cabinets, headboard... etc.

 Now, Ill show you a slideshow of my code in detail, explaining it in writing would take way too long, so DM me if you want something explained!

To make this more palatable, I also made a control panel.

The iterations and forms are very fun to play around with, so if Bryan is okay with it, Ill add my grasshopper file to this blog for download, cuz my screen caps wont do it justice.

Lastly, I exported all of my final versions to blender so I could render and add pillows and blankets to my scenes. If you're curious about what physics simulation can do when rendering cloth, here is a gif I made for you. 

As for my final renders, I made 2 versions, This first one has models all done by me in blender (aside from the original bed design)

This last one is my favorite of the two, however because of time constraints they feature 2 free plant assets from online. 

Plus, bonus cat plus I made :3

Overall I really enjoyed this project, it gave me the opportunity to model something I'm very passionate about. Beds. 

I hope you enjoyed following along my process!

Il temps pour moi de dormir ♥ Its time for me to sleep


  1. This is incredible Kitt! Your skills and mastery of these programs continue to blow my mind. Nicely done. That definition.... I couldn't imagine how many hours you have invested in that.

    1. Thank you so much! It wouldn't have been half as good without the amazing youtube tutorials that I used to fill in the gaps

  2. Love the cat pillow, the UV wrap for that pillow looks realistic and so adorable! The drapes in the 2nd last image is so cool, the sheerness and flow of the material is fantastic. Also love the red marble material you used in the cabinet shelf, the little light cube on the shelf really helped brighten up the interior design!

    1. Thanks! I really wanted to test the rendering potential of blender for this and I learned a ton. Fun fact! The cat pillow was rendered using a mouse-drawn texture and a hair particle system, I can send you a tutorial if interested :)

  3. This is so good Kitt. Great job. You are an inspiration.

  4. The attention to detail in this bedroom set is impressive! It takes a minute to notice all of the pieces that make the whole, and it is all very cohesive.

    1. Thanks! I was a bit worried I covered up the actual bed structure too much, but I'm happy its well recieved

  5. I love how you put so much detail into every piece of furniture in the whole piece, its amazing how you even managed to make the bed itself and the pillows look soft! It's a great piece!

    1. I have to thank Blender's amazing cloth simulations for the pillows and blankets, Cloth pressure is really really cool, if you ever want to make use of it i can totally send you a tutorial!

  6. Super neat idea! I was just thinking it would be cool to be able to toggle through colour schemes somehow. So a customer could see different colours and styles of a product like this. Not sure if that is possible or not in Grasshopper to slide between custom previews somehow??

    1. That would be super sick! I might be able to do that for the actual base, but not the pillows since they are in a different program... However! Changing the colours in real time is super easy in blender :)

  7. super cool and detailed dude. It looks like there's a lot of different ways to customize it which would be great. Have you thought about maybe grouping and making more organizing things for the grasshopper stuff. It might make it easier on others to find the things in the file. Otherwise, It looks really successful.

    1. Yeah I definitely need to work on my grasshopper organization XD

      Ill experiment with smaller groups in the future :)

  8. Really appreciate your design and the details you made! I actually wonder how you make the texture of the cloth (like the cushion of the bed)? It is really neat great job!

  9. I must say I was shocked by your project. You have done tons of work and design, which is far exceeded our expectations. There is no doubt that you have raised this assignment to a level it didn't have before.

  10. wow! Kit, your work is stunning. I feel like it is so comfy to take a rest on and it also included with book shield. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. Love it!

  11. Wow, this looks like a bed from Disney princess movie! Looks very comfortable. Your grasshopper skills are also awesome!

  12. Great job Kitt! I can tell you've put a lot of work into this project--especially with the renders! I appreciate how you put in extra work in blender to create mood lighting, pillows, and bedding to make your design pop. I would love to see this design at full-scale! If you were to make it full-size, would you modify the bed/shelf design in any way? For example, would you make the base for the bed out of wooden slats instead of a giant solid piece to reduce costs and make the assembling process easier?

    I admire your work so far and can't wait to see what else you create this semester :)

  13. This is awesome. I really love your animation!!! It shows how comfortable it is. Using appropriate lighting and shadows, it was expressed as if it were real. The proper arrangement of furniture formed a perfect harmony.

  14. This is a really amazing render of your bed, I love your use of the cloth/textiles to enhance it. I'd definitely be interested in learning how you did the cloth/textiles!

  15. Not going to lie, the renders that you create always blow me out of the water! I love this design, it's fun and functional! Brilliant job!


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